十大最好的网赌平台 女校友 Association Annual Awards | Charleston, SC-十大网赌平台推荐

2024 十大最好的网赌平台 女校友 Association Awards

阿什利堂校友会很高兴地宣布2024年校友会奖获奖者,包括杜瓦戈登福尔摩斯的26杰出校友奖. 请和十大网赌平台推荐一起祝贺这些在专业和个人方面都体现了阿什利堂使命的校友.

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授予在志愿服务和社区服务方面表现突出的阿什利堂校友, this award honors Fern Karesh Hurst, 1964届毕业生. 


Retirement for Susanne Emge has been anything but quiet. 查尔斯顿主教加兹登(BG)退休社区的活跃居民, 苏珊最近被BG提名为年度南卡罗来纳州志愿者奖的领先时代, a prestigious and well deserved recognition. Leading Age South Carolina是一个会员组织,代表36个非营利性和使命驱动的老年生活提供者. 每年, 成员组织可以提交五个类别的奖项提名, 2022年, BG happily submitted Susanne Emge for Volunteer of the Year.

Susanne has been a resident of BG since 2016. Very quickly Susanne became ingrained in her community’s culture. She has a true heart for service. From committee leadership within the BG Residents’ Council, 包括领导2019年, 2020, and 2021 Charitable Mission Committee, to serving as the 2022 Resident Council Chair, Susanne believes in the mission of BG.

When she is not leading meetings, Susanne focuses on connections. From playing music for general entertainment, or for chapel services in BG’s assisted, memory and skilled communities, to introducing new residents to others who have a common interest, she is always thinking of others.

苏珊娜最近的宠物项目是她在BG一起志愿者倡议上的工作, again providing connections within the community, 很明显,苏珊娜几乎每天都在努力将人们联系起来,创造积极的成果. This focus on connecting with people, especially during challenging times, is at the heart of who Susanne is as a person and volunteer.

授予在她所选择的职业中表现出杰出成就的阿什利霍尔校友, this award honors Crandall Close Bowles, 1965届毕业生. 

丽莎·桑德斯,我.D. ’74

Dr. 丽莎·桑德斯(Lisa Sanders)是耶鲁大学长期多学科护理中心的医学主任. 除了医生和老师的工作外,丽莎还为《诊断》杂志撰写颇受欢迎的专栏 《纽约时报杂志 and the “Think Like a Doctor” column featured in the 纽约时报 博客“The Well”.她的专栏是福克斯节目《豪斯医生》(House MD, 2004-2012)的灵感来源,她还担任该节目的顾问. In 2010, Lisa published a book titled Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis. In 2019 she collaborated with the 纽约时报 为Netflix拍摄了一部八小时的十大网赌平台推荐诊断过程的纪录片. Her most recent book is a collection of her columns and is titled, Diagnosis: Solving the Most Baffling Medical Mysteries.

Lisa’s path to medicine was anything but traditional. 作为威廉玛丽学院的一名本科生,她主修英语,为 扁平的帽子大学校报. After graduation she took a job with ABC at Good Morning America. 不到10年后, 同时为CBS十大最好的网赌平台工作, 她因报道飓风雨果袭击她的家乡查尔斯顿而获得艾美奖突发十大最好的网赌平台报道奖, S.C. 到那时, 桑德斯说, 她已经准备好继续职业生涯,并决定在她作为一名记者所报道的所有主题中, 医学对她最感兴趣。. 在哥伦比亚大学的学士学位预科课程学习了两年之后, Lisa was accepted to the Yale School of Medicine. In addition to her time in the hospital, 丽莎目前正在研究临床决策以及诊断决策和错误产生的方式. She has also published two books on weight loss and food choice, 完美的饮食:结合科学对减肥的了解和你对自己的了解 在2004年和 完美的饮食:如何减肥,保持它仍然吃你喜欢的食物 in 2005.

授予在表演或视觉艺术方面有杰出表现的十大最好的网赌平台校友, 这个奖项是颁给. Martha Rivers Ingram, Class of 1953.



弗朗西丝·罗斯福从小就画画,并继续在弗吉尼亚大学的艺术工作室和英语专业学习,1977年以优异的成绩毕业. 利用她的艺术背景, 1981年,她在耶鲁大学建筑学院获得了建筑硕士学位,并获得了Eero Saarinen卓越设计奖. She practiced architecture in the offices of Cesar Pelli  in New Haven, CT, Robert Venturi in Philadelphia, PA, 查尔斯顿的WG Clark, SC和莱曼·佩里在保利, 在建立私人住宅设计事务所之前,她是PA,这为她养家糊口提供了灵活性.

In the years since returning to full-time painting, 弗朗西丝曾在查尔斯顿的Anglin Smith画廊和Corrigan画廊参加群展和个展, SC. 她的作品也曾在尤宁维尔的斯嘉丽·西克特农场的年度谷仓展上展出, 在威尔明顿的蓝条纹画廊和Carspecken Scott画廊, DE.

Given to an 十大最好的网赌平台 alumna, 35岁或以下, who personally and professionally exhibits the mission of the School, this award honors the memory of Tonisha Bell Alston, 1999届毕业生,他们的生活和独立精神体现了阿什利堂使命的关键支柱. 

玛丽安娜,我是avant ' 09 

艺术家, 珠宝商, 女性企业家, Mariana“Mini”Hay Avant ' 09是Tonisha Bell Alston ' 99年轻校友奖的自然提名. A member of a long line of dynamic 十大最好的网赌平台 women, 作为克罗根珠宝盒公司创始人的曾孙女,米妮在珠宝行业长大.

Ten years ago Mini launched her own jewelry line, 金甲虫收藏, 以可承受的价格庆祝查尔斯顿低地生活方式. Due to the success of her “bugs”, Mini recently opened her first brick-and-mortar location in Charleston. This will compliment the collection’s successful e-commerce presence.

作为一个艺术专业的学生, 妈妈说, Croghan’s co-owner Mariana Hay, challenged her to create something unique to the region. 结果就是项链, 耳环和戒指以服装价格出售,以秋葵等低地国家的象征为特色, 花生, 灯笼和棕榈叶. Avant进一步强调了她自己手绘字体和轮廓的可雕刻物品.

杜瓦戈登·霍姆斯奖是为了表彰一位表现出奉献精神的校友, 洞察力, talents and volunteer service to 十大最好的网赌平台.





十大最好的网赌平台 is a K-12 independent school for girls, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, committed to a talented and diverse student population. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.